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Testosterone effects

The anabolic characteristics are what bodybuilders are interested in, and refer to testosterone’s capacity to increase muscle tissue, while its androgenic properties refer to the hormones capacity to stimulate secondary sex characteristics in males (e.g. deepening of voice, body hair).

Testosterone effects duration

The effects of testosterone are usually very extreme within 2 to 4 weeks , which is about the amount of time it takes most esterfied solutions to even begin to work. It is also of some note that 100 mg of a testosterone ester is not the same as 100 mg of pure testosterone suspension. When an ester is present its weight is included in the preparations milligram total.

One of the major hypotheses is that testosterone is able to directly stimulate protein synthesis. It is important to understand that testosterone operates at the nuclear level. Testosterone or steroid hormones first diffuse or enter passively into a muscle cell, second they bind to a receptor on the nuclear membrane, which is then carried into the cell nucleus where testosterone stimulates DNA to transcribe or make instructions of a specific protein on a messenger molecule (mRNA). Finally, the mRNA is taken into the cytoplasm or cell environment where these instructions are used to construct new proteins, which ultimately increases the cell size. Research shows that when individuals train, that the effect of training on muscular growth is inhibited when testosterone is inhibited from binding to the nuclear receptor.

Testosterone is also a pro-hormone, meaning that it is converted to other hormones in the body including Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), by which testosterone indirectly exerts its androgenic effects, and to estrogen, which can actually increase bone density and quality, but in excess is associated with negative feedback, which lowers testosterone levels and fat accumulation. Ultimately athletes seek to enhance the androgenic properties of testosterone, while lowering aromatization and conversion to DHT.

One of the major mechanisms that testosterone is suggested to increase protein synthesis and subsequent muscle growth is through the stimulation of satellite cell number and an increase in the actual binding of satellite cells to muscle fibers. One question bodybuilders and strength athletes are concerned with, is whether or not endurance training or a high amount of aerobic training can lower testosterone concentrations. The answer is that at very high volumes of running testosterone decreases linearly as aerobic exercise increases.

In summary it is found that testosterone is a powerful hormone capable of stimulating increased muscle tissue, strength, and neural output. It is increased maximally with moderate intensity and relatively high volume exercises using compound movements. It is not maximized in those who slack off and perform under their max efforts. This also applies to chronic training. When individuals allow their program to become stagnant, testosterone levels will decrease. Cardiovascular training and diet also effect testosterone. To the extent that the greater the caloric deficit, the greater the decrease in testosterone. This may be partly countered by caloric cycling.

The most effective dosage

The most popular dosages of suspension are injecting the drug every 2 to 3 days with actual dosing varying greatly depending upon user needs, but most often in the range of 50 to 250 mg per shot. Athletes looking for increased speed during the cycle will use the higher amounts resulting in almost amazing results, the user just seems to inflate with bloated muscle mass. Although requiring a frequent dosing schedule this drug will pass through a needle as fine as 27 gauge, allowing the user more available injection sites hitting the smaller muscle groups such as deltoids, triceps, and calves.